Combat Contractor Marketing

850 Collegeville Rd #3, Collegeville, PA 19426

Facebook Radius Marketing

Facebook radius marketing to generate leads

Remember the old Lawn Sign of the 1990’s

radius marketing on facebook to generate leads

Get The New Age Digital Lawn Signs with Facebook Radius Marketing

Simple Program

You supply your customer address and we place a Facebook ad to every homeowner in a mile radius 3 time each week for the next 4 weeks.

How it Works:

You keep providing customers addresses and we keep marketing and overlapping the homes of potential customers to build trust and local expertise for homeowners hire your company with confidence and trust.

From One Customer…

radius marketing

From One Customer…

Facebook radius marketing to generate leads

Only $XX.00 for each job and you get “We were in your area again” and ending with “Another Happy Customer” one-mile radius three times per week plus Facebook spend for four weeks for each name you provide. All prices include design, set up, formatting, and distribution. Every one mile radius is different and you are billed the Facebook fee not to exceed $10. For 250,000 views

Consistency is the secret to your success

When we create an ad, we choose to target it to people that look like your existing homeowner you just did the job for and sent us. We overlap any previous posts to compound the effect of six touches before they recognize and call you because “everyone else” is calling your company.

Video ads capture the attention of your audience better than any other type of ad. A HubSpot study found that 54% of people wanted to see more video content from a brand or business they support. Those people are also 85% more likely to purchase after viewing a product video.

Facebook radius marketing to create leads for groceries

How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook 2020?

Facebook radius marketing to generate leads for blog-img

Feb 1, 2020
How much does Facebook advertising cost? Facebook advertising costs, on average, $0.97 per click and $7.19 per 1000 impressions. Ad campaigns focused on earning likes or app downloads can expect to pay $1.07 per like and $5.47 per download, on average.

What is an average customer acquisition cost?

Facebook radius marketing for leads

Feb 1, 2020
So to put CAC into context, here’s a rundown of average customer acquisition cost by industry (as estimated by a few different publications: Travel: $7. Retail: $10. Consumer Goods: $22

Become Wealthy with Combat Contractor Marketing Coaching

Call or text us now at 484-356-6200